The program is designed to test the operation of the module with the FPGA project WISHBONE.


  • Display information BAR0 - list of control units
  • Display information BAR1 - list of control units TEST_CHECK, TEST_GENERATE
  • Checking of the data input from the TEST_GENERATE
  • Checking of the data output to the TEST_CHECK
  • Synchronous data input from the TEST_GENERATE and data output to the TEST_CHECK
  • The calculation of the current exchange rate - in the interval 4 seconds
  • Calculating the average exchange rate - with the launch of
  • Error logging

Source code

The source code of the program is in the repository: trunk/soft/linux/application/wb_test

  • bin - executable and configuration files
  • src - source code
Catalog src
  • Makefile - for build
  • work - source code
The program uses the files in the directory trunk/soft/linux/common/
  • pex - contains class files: pex_board
  • utils - contains useful files

Starting the program

Before starting the program you want to load driver pexdrv.
To load the driver script is used insert from the directory soft/linux/driver
Loading the driver: sudo ./Insert.
Unloading Driver: sudo rmmod pexdrv

To view a list of available devices can run the command ls /dev/AMB *
The device name is formed as follows: /dev/<device name> <sequencenumber of the device>
For example: /dev/AMBPEX50

./wb_test <device name> <configuration file> [<configuration file>]

  • <device name> - logical device name, for example /dev/pexdrv0 (not currently implemented, is always used pexdrv0)
  • <configuration file> - cfg file with parameters
List of configuration files:
  • test_gen.cfg - inputs from the TEST_GENERATE
  • out_check.cfg - output to the TEST_CHECK

If given two file that runs two of the testing process, if only one file is only one testing process.


Command: ./wb_test test_gen.cfg

dsmv@dsmv-linux:~/pcie_ds_dma/trunk/soft/linux/application/wb_test/bin$ ./wb_test test_gen.cfg
Map BAR0: 0xfe800000 -> 0x7f4b4ff03000
Map BAR1: 0xfe600000 -> 0x7f4b4fd03000
core_init(): BlockID = 0x1013, BlockVER = 0x101.
core_init(): DeviceID = 0x5504, DeviceRev = 0x210.
core_init(): PldVER = 0x104.
core_init(): Block count = 8.
core_init(): Channel(ID) = 0(0x18), FIFO size = 4096 Bytes, DMA Dir = 3, Max DMA size = 1024 MBytes, resource = 0x2.
core_init(): Channel(ID) = 1(0x18), FIFO size = 4096 Bytes, DMA Dir = 3, Max DMA size = 1024 MBytes, resource = 0x2.
core_init(): Prepare ADM PLD.
Board PEXDRV open succesfully

WB block info:

 0  0x001A TEST_CHECK      MOD: 0  VER: 1.0 
 1  0x001B TEST_GENERATE   MOD: 0  VER: 1.0 

Read parameters from file: test_gen.cfg


CntBuffer  8
CntBlockInBuffer  1
SizeBlockOfWords  262144
isCycle  1
isSystem  1
isAgreeMode  1
strmNo  1
isTest  2
FifoRdy  1
Cnt1  0
Cnt2  0
DataType  6
DataFix  1

Allocation memory: 
 Type of buffer:    system memory
 Buffer size: 8 MB  (8x1 MB)

0: 0x8f400000 -> 0x7f4b513ef000
1: 0x8f500000 -> 0x7f4b4fc03000
2: 0x8f600000 -> 0x7f4b4fb03000
3: 0x8f700000 -> 0x7f4b4fa03000
4: 0x89800000 -> 0x7f4b4f903000
5: 0x89900000 -> 0x7f4b4f803000
6: 0x89a00000 -> 0x7f4b4f703000
7: 0x89b00000 -> 0x7f4b4f603000
Stub: 0xb5bcd000 -> 0x7f4b5150a000
Allocate stream memory - Ok
core_set_local_addr(): DmaChan=1 addr=0x00003000 
Stream working in adjust mode
core_start_dma(): DmaChan=1 IsCycling=1 
core_start_dma(): IOCTL_AMB_START_MEMIO   core_start_dma - OK 

 TRD :   0     245366     245366     245366          0      799.8      799.8     0x0309  0xAAAAAAAA  5:06 

There is parameters in the last line.

  • BLOCK_WR - number of the transmitten blocks
  • BLOCK_RD - number of the received blocks
  • BLOCK_OK - number of the blocks with correct data
  • BLOCK_ERR - number of the blocks with errors
  • SPD_CURR - speed of data transfer during of last 4 second [Mbytes per second]
  • SPD_AVR - speed of data transfer with program start [Mbytes per second]
  • STATUS - content of STATUS register
  • SIG - value of SIG register
  • TIME - current time of test

Press Ctrl-C for exit;

Result of test:

 TRD :   0     245490     245489     245489          0      799.8      799.8     0x0309  0xAAAAAAAA  5:06 

Result of receiving data 

 Recieved blocks :   245490 
 Correct blocks  :   245489 
 Incorrect blocks:   0 
 Total errors    :   0 

 Speed           :   799.8 [Mbytes/s] 
 Time of test    :   5 min 07 sec

All data is correct. No error

799.8 - PCI Express v1.1 x4 - project AMBPEX5_v20_SX50T_WISHBONE